Debbie Rochon CORDIALLY invites you to..

Camp Cryptid

Pack your gear, grab your flashlight, and settle in, the unexplained lurks just beyond the campfire’s glow.

True and Gripping Stories from..

In The Wild

Tales of survival, tragedy, and triumph from the depths of the wild.


The Switch is On..

Battleline Podcast

Battleline Podcast is your source for in-depth interviews and inspiration with the biggest names in the military and 2A communities. Hosted by Kris “Tanto” Paronto & Ian Scotto.

Discover tales of…


Tales of our world’s most unusual events, odd objects, and obscurities. Hosted by Debbie Rochon.

Uncover history…

Secret Heroes

Explore the unsung heroes of our world and unearth the true stories that often slip through the cracks. Hosted by Shannan Copland.